What is the VistaStudio?

VistaStudio is a GUI tool to control RAONTECH micro display. At this time it is available only on RAONTECH EV board.

Can I use VistaStudio on my own System board?

It is not supported yet. Instead, you should use VistaCube.

Dowloaded file is compressed. And I don’t know a password

Our tool is protected by a password. Only identified customers are allowed to use it. Please contact RAONTECH Customer Support Center for password assistance. < Contact us >

How to remove/uninstall Vista Studio GUI clearly?

Even Vista Studio uninstalled by uninstaller on Windows or removed on MAC OSX, Linux,  product meta data still existed, and it influences to next Vista Studio GUI install.

Here are simple tips to remove Vista Studio’s  old workspace meta data.

  • MAC OSX: remove “.VistaStudio” folder at User Folder. ( <click “command + shift + .” > to see hidden folder)
  • Windows : remove workspace folder at “C:RAONTECHVistaStudoworkspace”.
  • Linux : remove workspace folder at “GUI existed Folder/VistaStudo/workspace”.

This method also can be used to execute Vista Studio GUI as default/factory mode.

On Mac OS, online-update is no problem but nothing to change

  • In Terminal, execute it. And then try p2-update again.
xattr -rd com.apple.quarantine RAONTECH/VistaStudio.app/

After updating, UI Layout is screwy and existing function does not work

Main reason is likely to remain some cached data. It depends on your platform version. Remove cached or meta data. (Refer to FAQ:How to remove/uninstall Vista Studio GUI clearly?)